
We are a Green business and are members of :

The Australian Council of Recycling (ACOR)

ACOR is the national peak industry association for businesses in the recycling industry of Australia. They seek to support governments and the Australian community in helping Australia make the transition from an inefficient and wasteful (linear) economic system – where products and materials are disposed of at the end of their productive life – to a highly efficient, sustainable (closed-loop) materials economy.

Green Building Council of Australia

Launched in 2002, the GBCA is a national, not-for-profit organisation that is committed to developing a sustainable property industry for Australia by encouraging the adoption of green building practices. It is uniquely supported by both industry and governments across the country.

“ Through Narm Rubber’s technology, we can recycle rubber products into literally thousands of different rubber parts, pieces and products. Furthermore, reusing these rubber products reduces escalating and damaging tyre landfill.”

“ Our green material compounds meet ASTM and BS-EN norms for rubber itemspecifications.”

Carbon footprint is a ‘measure of the impact human activities leave on the environment in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide’. Carbon offsetting is used to compensate for your emissions by funding an equivalent carbon dioxide saving elsewhere. Most enterprises see valuable benefits from their investment in sustainability in terms of cost savings, energy efficiency, staff engagement and other business benefits.

It is estimated that companies will be required to cut 25% of carbon emissions by 2020 and 50-80% by 2050 which will be mandated by both state and federal regulations. This will affect the availability and costs of energy which are expected to double within the next 10 years.

The carbon cost of manufacturing new goods and products is significant and generating carbon credits through utilising Narm Rubber’s recycled rubber products creates a direct financial impact. Furthermore, good environmental performance reduces risk, lowers costs, improves productivity and enhances your reputation.

As a key commercial benefit, purchasing recycled rubber products provides the opportunity to utilize your carbon offsets and carbon credits.

Narm Rubber holds 2 patents for our rejuvenation process. We are the only company in Australia to use a particular process of recovering rubber as granules and solvents for reuse. Rubber granules are converted into powder and powder is transformed into new product via our patented technology.

Narm Rubber’s IP and technology also meets the requirements of the Kyoto Agreement under Carbon Disclosure Pricing. (The Carbon Disclosure Project acts on behalf of institutional investors to promote disclosure of climate change strategies within organisations.)